
Here is a quick, funny Caden story:

Jennifer picked Caden up from daycare last week and heard this story. Caden and his classmates were eating gram crackers and apple sauce, which Caden loves so much he usually asks for seconds.  He wasn’t finished with his first helping when he heard the teacher ask another child that was finished if he wanted to go outside.  Caden instantly stopped eating  and said, “All Done! Done! Outside! Outside!


Bonus Story:  In a related story, Caden was sick on Monday stayed home.  After he was dressed for the day and before Jennifer left, he brought us his socks to put on.  We put them on him.  He then disappeared and returned with his shoes (matching shoes at that) and wanted to put them on also.  Jennifer and I suspect that he was trying to give us a clue that he wanted to go outside, although we might be wrong, ha!?

