
Update for Caleb

Breif history for the day,  Jennifer was scheduled for the second C-section of the day, but she got bumped due to an emergency C-section.  Caleb waited patiently until 11:15 am (March 1, 2011) to show his 7lb 7 oz 19″ self!

He had a little problem exspelling all of the flued from the lungs and his color wasn’t great, his respirations were a little fast as well, so off to the NICU he went (just the one in the hospital, no transfer this time to another hospital).  He hung out there most the day and as of 8 pm tonight he has been released on probation to the regularly nursery. If he behaves he can stay, if not, he will be sent back to the NICU. 🙂 — We are encouraging him to behave, ha!

Click HERE to see photos!

More to come later…

